Mission Brief #3 - 29th Nov Launch Event at the Black Box, Weird Wizards and Something Lethal Hi
That's right, we have lift off with our first event on Friday 29th of November from 6pm a perfect wee after work tonic on the way to the holiday season.
Expect a wide range of 70s, 80s and 90s original arcade cabinets including trackball bear botherer Crystal Castles, the potentially boke inducing Enduro Racer, the nervous breakdown tempting bat and ball brick basher Arkanoid, the stealthy Shadow Dancer, choppy Choplifter, raucous Renegade, spaced out Moon Patrol, a spectacular Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition and many more classics of yesteryear. Keep an eye on our Instagram for game reveals in the days coming up to the event.

Not to be deterred we're not stopping at a fine collection of arcade favourites. We'll also be cranking it up to 11 with what we've subtly called GIGANTIC Guitar Hero on the Black Box stage, where headbangers will be banging their heads in competitive metallic action shredding out the rock classics and deepening the RSI.
And not only that we'll have a fine selection of vintage consoles, tabletop games that somehow don't reek of nicotine (even if they should) and if Marty can get away with it a Subbuteo table or two also. We're buzzed up to say the least, mostly because we really want to hang out there ourselves as much as anything else!
Tickets are £15 and there are two sessions, the first from 6-9 and the second from 9-12 and no you won't need coins, all of the games will be set to free play so that you can play until your heart is content.
Weird Wee Wizard of Wor
Remember Wizard of Wor? We had to confess it's one we didn't know too well but the guy helping us to restore the machines insisted we make one and you know what as usual he was right on the money.
Frantic mazey gameplay and some truly sinister early 80s digitised speech later and we were sold. Wizard of Wor will be haunting a corner at our next event as a result.
Lethal Enforcers
We all love a good gun game don't we and we're pleased to announce we've added to the gun game roster with 1992's Lethal Enforcers. You play the renegade cop Don Marshall who clearly has a Dirty Harry poster on his bedroom wall, doling out unreasonable justice to street punks and toughs in a digitised photo collage of blood and bullets. One for the kids then yeah?
We look forward to seeing you. This newsletter was written to the sounds of Badmotorfinger by Soundgarden and bloody great it still is too. Follow The Retro Room on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook