Mission Brief #4 - Exclusive News About Our Xmas Event, GIGANTIC Guitar Hero at our Black Box Arcade Party and Track and Field and Hypersports Make A Dream Team
Wake up sleepy heads, it's party time (if you know, you know.) Our 55th arcade machine has just arrived and we've a few more in the pipeline, exciting times indeed! Read on for the latest news from the Retro Room, delivered to you first every Sunday...
Our December Xmas Event
That's right, we'll be hosting a full weekend arcade event in December at the Oh Yeah Music Centre and we're planning an Xmas spectacular! Not only do we get to host a big Christmas Arcade Party but we get to support Oh Yeah once more a charity that, as a co-founder, is very close to Marty's heart. And unlike our next event at the Black Box we'll have family friendly slots too on the Saturday afternoon and Sunday so you can bring the kids 😃
Dates and details to come very soon, we'll announce it to our fantastic newsletter subscribers first of course.

GIGANTIC Guitar Hero
At our Arcade Partys we're going to try to push the boundaries of arcade events a little and since both the Black Box and the Oh Yeah Music Centre are gig venues we thought why not have a massive Guitar Hero setup on stage?
There'll be bitchin' toy guitars, shredding tunes and prizes for the top scorer on the night. Shred your friends at The Black Box, Friday 29th of November from 6pm

From rock and roll to, erm, the Olympics in one short bound and we're very very chuffed to have snagged an original Hypersports to add to the collection. For those who haven't stayed up to 4am in their mate's spare bedroom battering the buttons while his Ma bangs the bedroom wall (sorry Paul), Hypersports is a fantastic multi-event sports title featuring swimming, shooting, the pole vault (what a bastard that is) and many other events. We're proud to team it up with its buddy Track and Field and will have both of these great games on the floor on November 29th at the Black Box along with a ton of others.

Written to the sounds of Songs In The Key of Death by Fastway from our brand new Trick or Treat 4K set don'tcha know.