Mission Brief #6 - Early Bird Tickets Are Now Live For Our Xmas Retro Arcade
Tickets are live for our Xmas Retro Arcade weekend at the Oh Yeah Music Centre on December 21st and 22nd. Be quick to bag a 25% discount on our usual ticket pricing (£15 for adults, £7.50 for kids), use the code MERRYXMAS at checkout.
This full weekend event at the Oh Yeah Music Centre has a number of kid friendly (8-15yo) sessions also, feel free to bring the family for some festive fun with games from way back in the day!
Visit our event page here to book https://www.retroroombelfast.com/the-retro-room-presents/
A Great Weekend At The Arcade Workshop
We've been burning the midnight oil and have Track and Field, Pacman, Shadow Dancer and Point Blank back to rude health and ready for our Xmas event. We also tweaked and upgraded our Renegade, Choplifter, Time Crisis 3 and Lethal Enforcers and they'll be joining a new Rainbow Islands on a Japanese mini cab we recently acquired and The Invaders from 1978, a simply beautiful Italian rip off of Space Invaders. Add to all of that Soldier of Light, Bionic Commando and a very curious Barcelona themed football penalty strength tester and you'll have quite a lineup to enjoy on the 21st and 22nd!

We made some strides too on restoring our Space Ace and a Silent Scope Ex but they haven't quite made the cut this time around.
Our Gigantic Guitar Hero Setup Has Got A Big Upgrade
We listened to your feedback after the launch event and have secured a few new guitars including an incredible Aerosmith themed guitar as well as all of the downloadable content from the Guitar Hero series adding a ton of songs to the setup! We're looking forward to take two of our Gigantic Guitar Hero setup at Oh Yeah, the home of music in Belfast.

See you for a fabulous festival of festive retro gaming, after all everything's better when we do it together.
Written to the sounds of the Sunday football, we'll get back to some music next week