Our Launch Was A Huge Success Thank You All!
We got this thing off the ground in great style at the Black Box on Friday November 29th. Thank you to everyone who braved the cold, the rain but most of all the teeming masses of Black Friday shoppers. Mayhem!
Still there's always the escape of gaming and it gave us great pleasure to see people enjoying the games so much. Highlights were the triumph that was Gigantic Guitar Hero on the big screen with many 70s, 80s and 90s classics shredded out over the night.
There was a wee queue too for Arkanoid with almost everyone getting to play it for the first time with its original spinner. It's a different game with that in play no doubt, no bloody easier mind!

Hypersports got the competitive juices flowing, if there's anyone anywhere in the world who knows how to do the Pole Vault we'll pay for a tutorial. Unfortunately our long anticipated personal moment of having both Track and Field and Hypersports out together didn't quite come off when Track and Field's monitor gave out early in the night. Next time!
Enduro Racer in its original cabinet blew a few minds. While we remember it on the Spectrum and Commodore (it was amazing on both) we don't remember ever seeing it in the wild back in the day with the original cab. Great to have one, great to see people enjoying it so so much.
And of course the stone cold classics got a lot of play, the Street Fighter Champion Edition was constantly attended as were Bubble Bobble, Pac Man, Shadow Dancer, Wonderboy, Donkey Kong and WWF Superstars among others. And we noticed a lot of people doing well on R-Type too (nobody beat my high score from the first warehouse party just yet though. Snark! Marty)
On the consoles of course Pro Evolution Soccer 4 was an ever present (we've plans here keep your eyes peeled for more!) and it was great to see some classic fighters such as Marvel VS Capcom 2 get an airing. We'll have a bunch more consoles for our next event.
Lastly we weren't sure how our classic tabletop games would fit in but after watching a few rounds of Rock Em Sock Em Robots (quote: this is fucking brilliant!), the frankly superb football game Binho (now Stephen and Connie's favourite game on earth) and the classic Operation being played with the modern twist of being lit by a phone camera our fears were unfounded. Feedback was it was a nice change of pace from the arcade games. Great! they're here to stay.
Folks we had a blast, thank you all for supporting us and helping us to get this off the ground. We're going all in on a permanent retro arcade in Belfast and we're off to a great start after this.
Join us for our Xmas Arcade Party on Dec 21st and 22nd at the Oh Yeah Music Centre. We’ll have a slew of additional games on the floor like Time Crisis 3, Lethal Enforcers, Xain'd Sleena, Rainbow Islands and others.
Tickets for the December Arcade Party on the 21st and 22nd of December at the Oh Yeah Music Centre will launch on our website from Tuesday 3rd of December at 7pm. And you can bring the kids (8+) to this one too!